Beers Menu TAPS Quimera Brewpub
BEERS MENU updated. Check taps list. HAPPY HOUR 5PM - 7PM (sat. 6pm - 8pm.)
Abrimos de quarta a domingo. (open wed. to Sun.)
1- KRIEK LAMBIC: Cerveja frutada com cerejas em uma base de fermentação mista em barril de carvalho por 24 meses. ABV 4,8% IBU 15
2- KVEIK ALE: Suave e levemente adocicada com predominância do malte Pilsner. "Pilsner Ale" poseur style. Fermentada com Voss Kveik. 5.3% IBU 30
3- FLEMISH RED ALE: Cerveja envelhecida em barril de carvalho. Fermentação mista selvagem. Similar ao vinho natural. ABV 4,8% IBU 30
4- MILK PORTER: Preta. Levemente adocicada e cremosa. Contém lactose. ABV 5.3%
brevemente 4- CCC APA: American Pale Ale com lúpulos Chinooc, Cascade e Columbus. ABV 5.5% IBU 48
5- SOUR de MIRTILOS: Cerveja ácida com o sabor frutado dos mirtilos da Fazenda Visionagro, Alpiarça, PT. Fermentado com leveduras Lactobacillus e Saccharomyces. Envelhecida em Barril de Carvalho. ABV 4,7% IBU 8
6- AMERICAN WHEAT: Cerveja feita com trigo. Leve. Levemente adocicada. ABV 4 7% IBU 29
7- NAFIPA: Not another fucking IPA. Lúpulos citra, simcoe e mosaic. Amarga e muito balanceada entre maltes e lúpulos. ABV 5,3% IBU 48
8- PEACH GOSE: Ácida, Levemente salgada. Envelhecida em barris de carvalho. Lactobacillus, brettanomyces claussenii e saccharomyces. ABV 4,7% IBU 8
9- RASPBERRY SOUR : Cerveja ácida com o sabor frutado das framboesas. Fermentada com leveduras Lactobacillus, Brettanomyces e Saccharomyces. Envelhecida em Barril de Carvalho. ABV 4,7%
10- WITBIER: Cerveja clara, turva. Adição de coentros e casca de laranja. ABV 5.0% IBU 15
11- IRISH RED ALE: Levemente seca, doçura equilibrada devido aos maltes vermelhos (Munique e Viena) e lúpulo. Uma cerveja leve, de cor vermelha/âmbar. ABV 5,1% IBU 30
12- BLOODY MARY SOUR: Sour envelhecida em barril de carvalho com Lactobacillus, Brettanomycese Saccharomyces. Adição de tomates secos, aipo e orégãos. Levemente salgada, picante e ácida. ABV 4,7% IBU 8
Pagamento: preferível em dinheiro. (Ajude os pequenos negócios evitarem as taxas de utilização do cartão).
1- KRIEK LAMBIC: Fruity beer made with cherries. Mixed wild fermentation aged for 24 months in oak barrel. ABV 4,8% IBU 15
2- KVEIK ALE: Light and slightly sweet. Malt Pilsner. Suave e levemente adocicada com predominância do malte Pilsner. "Pilsner Ale" poseur style. Fermented with Voss Kveik. 5.3% IBU 30
3- FLEMISH RED: Beer aged in oak barrel. Similar to natural wine. Mixed wild fermentation. ABV 4,7% IBU 30
4- MILK PORTER: Dark beer with lactose. Creamy and sweet. ABV 5,3
soon 4- CCC APA: American Pale Ale with hops Chinooc, Cascade and Columbus. ABV 5.5% IBU 48
5- BLUEBERRY SOUR: Acid beer with fruitness from the blueberries from Visionagro Farm, Alpiarça, PT. Fermented with Lactobacillus and Saccharomyces. Barrel aged. ABV 4,7% IBU 8
6- AMERICAN WHEAT: Wheat beer. Light and slightly sweet. ABV 4.7% IBU 29
7- NAFIPA: Not Another Fucking IPA. Slightly bitter. Citra, Mosaic and Simcoe hops. Balance between malts and hops. ABV 5.3% IBU 48
8- PEACH GOSE: Sour beer with peaches. Slightly salty. Fermented with Lactobacillus, brettanomyces claussenii and saccharomyces. ABV 4,7% IBU 8
9- RASPBERRY SOUR: Acid (sour) beer with fruitness from the raspberries. Fermented with Lactobacillus and Saccharomyces. Barrel aged. ABV 4,7%
10- WITBIER : White, hazzy, addition of coriander and orange peel. Wheat beer. ABV 5.0% IBU 15
11- IRISH RED ALE: Slightly dry, balanced sweetness due to red malts (Munich and Vienna) and hops. A light beer, red/amber in color. ABV 5.1% IBU 30
12- BLOODY MARY SOUR: Sour aged in oak barrels with Lactobacillus, Brettanomyces and Saccharomyces. Addition of sun-dried tomatoes, celery and oregano. Slightly salty, chilli and acidic. ABV 4.7% IBU 8
Payment: Preferable in cash. (Help little businesses to avoid the tax over credit card machine's use).
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